Posted on Monday, May 17, 2010
Another exciting event happening today is the pouring of concrete for our new outdoor patio. Hard to beleive how beautiful it is outside. In the 16 days of this project we have encountered a blizzard as well as 75 and sunshine.
Day 16. Painting is complete in the Restaurant and today the carpet is being installed. Also today we are behind the scenes working on installing our new touch screen point of sale system.
Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2010
Mr. Oliver has been hard at work forming up the perimeter of the new outdoor patio. We have some exciting things planned and as you can see it is starting to take shape. Weather permitting we are hoping to pour the concrete on Tuesday (May 18th). Also for those of you wondering, we are still on pace to open the restaurant on Thursday, May 20th barring any setbacks. Please help spread the word. We look forward to showing off our hard work and beautiful new dining room to the public.
Patio Door
One of the few structural changes we have made during this renovation is the addition of a new door form the restaurant directly outside to the patio. Previously our patrons had to travel through the lounge to get out to the patio.
New Color Scheme
It is day 14 (Day 6 of the restaurant project) and the new color scheme is taking shape. Here you can see a finished section of the wall along with a glimpse of the new ceiling tiles.
We decided to go with no vinyl or wallpaper at all in the new restaurant. Most of the walls will be covered with knockdown. Here is Mr. Kent Oliver, His Son Brent, and Brent's son Mason applying the knockdown.
Ceiling Paint
The restaurant previously featured a very large amount of forest green. That will be completely absent upon completion. Here we are painting the green ceiling with a new off white color called Heavy Cream.
New Patio
Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2010
In addition to renovating the restaurant we are also going to be installing a new doorway for expanded patio access and at least tripling the size of our outdoor seating area. We began moving some dirt last night.
We Over the past 2 days I have had over 10 people working at scraping the old wallpaper off of the walls. It did not go well but we are finally almost done with it. The hardwood floor has been removed and we have started taping off so we can begin to apply knockdown. Goal is to spray thursday and start painting friday. 
Old Bar
Many of you who have eaten here may have heard to one section of the restaurant referred to as the "old bar". Well as you may have expected that is because at one time the bar was located here rather than its current location. Here is that area and all of the old tile we had to remove from that area.
Original Hardwood Flooring
Posted on Sunday, May 9, 2010
Underneath the old carpet we discovered the original hardwood floors from when Barkers was built in 1981. Unfortunately it was beyond repair so we began ripping it out as well. We got more accomplished today than I anticipated so I am hopeful that trend continues the next few days and we can re-open sooner than anticipated.
We immediately began ripping up the old wrinkly carpet from the dining room floor. Even Captain Carl decided to show up and help out tonight. 
Happy Mothers Day
Day 8 featured the Mothers Day Grand Buffet. Thank you very much to each and every one of the 700+ people who dined with us today. As soon as the final customer left the dining room we began phase two of our project. We will be tearing up all of the existing flooring and wallcoverings and giving everything a brand new look. We will also be putting in a new patio door and expanding our outdoor seating. Here are a couple "before" pictures that were taken once the dining room was cleared out.  
Painting the Building
Posted on Saturday, May 8, 2010
One part of our current remodel project is painting the exterior of the building. I just finished painting a small section with the two colors we are considering to see how it will look. 
Erie Room Complete
Day 7. Finished up the new outlets and the baseboard in the Erie room. This room is now ready for business! 
Posted on Friday, May 7, 2010
The hallway wall just outside the ballroom (an area we refer to as the prefunction) also was completed today. This new scheme provides a much warmer welcome to the NEW Great Lakes Ballroom than before. Will be putting the finishing touches on the Erie room tomorrow and getting ready for the Mothers Day Grand Buffet on Sunday. Then beginning monday the restaurant will be closed for two weeks as we move into phase two of this project. 
Ready for Mothers Day
Well Day 6 turned into a bit longer day than usual due to a few minor complications. It certainly didnt help than last minute runs to Menards were met with snow and 30 MPH winds off the lake. At this point all that is left for now in the ballroom is to shampoo the carpets which is being done tonight. Now we just wait for carpet to arrive in a few weeks to put the icing on the cake. Wow has this room turned out beautiful! All of you future brides reading this take note that Barkers Island Inn is once again the premier place to have your wedding. 
Getting Close
Posted on Thursday, May 6, 2010
Well Phase 1 of this project is getting close to completion. Here is the hallway outside the ballroom. Painting is done and with the addition of chair rail tomorrow it will be complete. Tomorrow the vinyl crew has some more work left and then we will complete the chair rail in the ballroom and clean it up for the Mothers Day Buffet. Phase 2 is the Restaurant (Formerly known as the Galley but will now be known as Captain Barkers Restaurant) which will begin on Monday. 
Well as you can see the vinyl is going up nicely and the portion below the chair rail has its first coat of paint. After a long hard week it is very exciting to see the color scheme begin to take shape. Outside of the carpet (which is on order) the ballroom should be complete by tomorrow evening. You can check it out up close and personal this Sunday if you come to our Mothers Day Grand Buffet.
Erie Room Update
The Erie room finished getting mud and now the knockdown texture is being applied. A coat of primer this afternoon and paint tomorrow and the Erie room will be complete. 
Day 5
Day 5 is underway. Finished priming a few spots early today and now the vinyl crew has begun the process of putting the new vinyl around the top 12 feet of the ballroom walls. They will likely finish this process tomorrow morning.
Posted on Wednesday, May 5, 2010
BOSO Building services is here this morning to spray knockdown in the ballroom, prefunction area, and to mud the Erie room so it will be ready for knockdown tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be priming the knockdown areas and the vinyl guys will be here to hang vinyl above the chair rail in the ballroom. 
Day 4
Day 4. The wall prep is basically complete. Everything is taped off and ready for the knockdown to be sprayed.
Posted on Tuesday, May 4, 2010
In addition to prepping the walls today we are working on cleaning. Wendy and Shannon were real troopers for sitting up on that scaffold scrubbing light fixtures all day.
Day 2
Day 2. Time to start getting the walls ready for the new coverings. In addition to the inside of the ballroom we are recovering this wall outside of the ballroom. This wall will be getting knockdown and since most of the sheetrock backing came off with the vinyl we have a lot of work to do.
Vinyl Coming Down
Posted on Monday, May 3, 2010
Having good luck so far. The vinyl is coming off nicely and there will not be a huge amount of prep work before the new vinyl can go on. Day 1 is about in the books. Day 2 will feature a bunch of scraping and scrubbing.
Just a couple hours in. Chair rail and baseboard came off easily. Now onto the Vinyl.
Remodel is Underway
At approximately 10:00am on Sunday, May 2nd Barkers Island Inn began a series of renovations and upgrades. Phase 1 of this project is remodel our existing Great Lakes Ballroom. Here is a picture just before we started. Take note of the old wallpaper and border because you will never see them again! 
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